RF and Antenna Engineering Services

Welcome to Invictus Animus, your dedicated research and development partner in the ever-evolving world of RF technology. We are an R&D team with a passion to move your RF innovations from concept to reality.

Services & Capabilities

We pride ourselves on being a full-service R&D company in the RF industry. Almost everything, from design to manufacturing, is done in-house, which enables us to turn projects around quickly. Our capabilities primarily include:


Our team leverages powerful simulation tools (such as HFSS) to model and analyze RF antennas and systems with precision. With decades of experience, we can refine and optimize designs before they ever reach the physical stage.


From the drawing board to reality, we have 3D printers, CNCs, and a host of machining equipment that enables us to fabricate RF components and systems with precision and quality. Our facilities are equipped to handle projects of all sizes and complexities.


Rigorous testing is at the heart of our process. We ensure that every RF system we develop meets the highest standards of performance and reliability. Our in-house testing capabilities will provide you with a high level of confidence in your final product. We have RF measurement equipment that allows us to support designs from near DC to 90 GHz.

Research and Development

Innovation is our passion. We continually push the boundaries of what’s possible in the RF industry. Our team of experts thrives on tackling complex challenges, developing high end solutions, and staying at the forefront of technology

We have an assortment of test equipment, simulation software, and fabrication facilities at your disposal. We can be a one-stop-shop from concept to delivery, or we can aid you anywhere in-between. Whatever your needs we have the capability to get it done.

Who We Are

Invictus Animus is owned by two passionate engineers, scientists, and experts in the field of RF technology. Our journey began with a shared vision to provide comprehensive solutions to our clients, enabling them to stay ahead of the curve in this dynamic industry.

With a combined 40 years of experience, our team of engineers brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the field of RF engineering. Our journey has taken us through institutions like JPL, PNNL, and NIST, as well as various industry settings. We have successfully tackled complex challenges in the realms of space, nuclear, national labs, cryogenics, etc.

Why Choose Us?

  1. Expertise: Our team comprises of highly educated and experienced individuals. We bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to every project, ensuring that you receive the best possible solutions.
  2. Full-Service Approach: From concept to fabrication to testing, we handle most aspects of your project in-house, streamlining the process and saving you time and resources.
  3. Innovation: Our innovative spirit drives us to develop high end RF solutions that give our clients a competitive edge in their respective markets.
  4. Client-Centric: Your success is our success. We work closely with you to understand your unique needs, goals, and challenges, tailoring our solutions to meet and exceed your expectations.

Contact Us

At Invictus Animus, we believe that collaboration is the key to unlocking new possibilities in the RF industry. Whether you have a specific project in mind or are looking for a partner to help you explore uncharted territories, we invite you to get in touch with us. Let’s work together to turn your RF dreams into reality.
Discover the future of RF technology with Invictus Animus. Contact us today to start a conversation about your next project.

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